Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wednesday, July 22

It's been just over a month since our return from South Africa and both Matthew and I have processed so many thoughts and emotions - too many to detail here. This blog is more of a narrative and a result of my original mission in South Africa - to chronicle the events of our time there to 'tell the story' and use in future communications for Bridge to Cross. In sharing this with friends and family, I hope you gain better insight into our experience there and the work that Bridge to Cross has ahead of them.

For the friends Matthew and I made on the trip; I hope this blog serves to connect any missing dots or memories in a sort of chronological order. In my past travels, events and days have blended together unless I write them down. The account is by no means exhaustive or all-inclusive, and I could have probably written, re-written and edited it forever. It has been a long labor of love. If any of our mission friends have pictures or experiences you would like to add, please feel free to email me with your information. I will be more than happy to add them in an effort to paint a comprehensive picture for all. My apologies for any ommissions or misnomers. Read from the bottom (first post) up (to the last post) for a chronological order of events.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Janet - I saw this post on You Look Fab today and thought of you. Hope it helps with your short pants/tall boots question!
